Flu season often wreaks havoc on workplaces, schools and communal living areas. It’s all too easy for germs to spread across surfaces and between people, swiftly infecting everyone within reach. It’s important to do what you can to manage and limit the spread and impact of germs in order to negate the risk of the cold or flu virus spreading further.

Although the steps for preventing the spread of germs are relatively simple, it’s vital to stay on top of them – germs are persistent, and not easily halted.

What are Germs?

Germs are microorganisms, meaning that they can be seen only through a microscope. They can be found everywhere – in the air, soil, and water. There are also germs on your skin and in your body. Many germs live in and on our bodies without causing harm, some even help us to stay healthy. But some germs can make you sick.

For more information on microbes, please watch the video linked below:

How Bacteria Rule Over Your Body – The Microbiome – YouTube

Our 4 Top Tips

Cleaning Helps Stop the Germ Spread

Regularly disinfect any surfaces or objects that may be contaminated with germs. Maintain a good hand washing regime and ensure hands are being washed regularly. Particularly ensure that kitchen areas are thoroughly cleaned. Certain viruses are spread through food particles, so ensure that anyone who is responsible for production of food is healthy.

Also remember to clean the cleaning tools. Wash sponges and cloths in hot water with disinfectant regularly. Wash and clean mops and buckets after each use. These elements are easily forgotten, but are the prime targets for spreading germs.

Make sure all surfaces are thoroughly dried; damp creates a breeding ground for germs.

Encourage infected individuals to stay home

If co workers or students catch a cold then encourage them, where possible, to work from home or take the day off. This prevents the spread of germs during the infectious period.

Avoid contact with potential germs

If you are aware of the presence of germs or illness, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth and, if possible, keep your nose and mouth covered. If you are ill, keep your mouth and nose covered when you cough or sneeze, and immediately dispose of any used tissues.

Think outside the box

Your car might be a primary breeding ground for bugs. It is rarely cleaned on such a rigorous schedule as other areas. If you have a pool car that you share with people at work, then this is something to consider regularly. Also consider soft furnishing areas like sofas, carpets and curtains; they are a haven for microbes to lurk.

The key to preventing the spread of germs is largely consistency and upkeep in your cleanliness regime. Ensure that everyone is keeping to the basic rules and general housekeeping, and you will find the fight against bugs far easier.