Simon, a stalwart of two studies no less, very kindly let us do a quick interview with him about his experience with us at FluCamp.

Q – How and when did you hear about FluCamp Simon?

I heard about your studies two years ago on the radio.

Q – What were your initial thoughts about doing a clinical trial?

I initially thought the compensation sounded great. I’m also a fit and healthy guy so I thought I might enjoy it.

Q- Have you taken part in other clinical trials similar to FluCamp?

Yes, when I was eighteen I took part in a three month cod liver oil trial. This was to see how it affected the blood and whether it was any good at fighting off colds.

Q- What did you do to pass the time whilst staying with us in the residential facility?

I played on the PS3, watched TV and watched a lot of films! Basically I just chilled out. It was also near to Christmas, so I wrote out all my Christmas cards at one point too.

Q – What were the best and worst parts about the experience?

The best parts were eating meals in bed! The compensation, the rest and recuperation, time off work, the thought of potentially helping others through this research and meeting new people. Your staff are wonderful! The worst parts were that I missed my children, the outside, my friends and most of all running and the gym! I’m a real gym bunny so that was tough.

Q – Thanks Simon. Last question – Would you take part in a study again?

As you know I’ve taken part in two, so yes I’d happily take part again!