We know that reading facts and figures doesn’t always alleviate concerns or questions. So, if you are considering taking part in a FluCamp trial but are concerned about the experience, or simply want to know how it feels from a real person, we have spoken to volunteers who are sharing their experiences of their time at FluCamp with you.

Our Everyday Hero volunteers work on a variety of clinical trials with us, to help research cures for the common cold and flu viruses. As well as this, they help us to research on treatments to reduce the severity of asthma attacks. Understanding how the process works can help you better prepare for and understand how our trials are run.

In this case study video, you can hear from Simon, 49, from Southampton who took part in one of our asthmatic trials. Simon works as a fitness instructor and heard about FluCamp via our radio ads and social media. He got in touch with us to volunteer on a trial for an experimental drug treatment for asthmatics. He was initially concerned that her asthma may mean that the trials would be very harsh on his body, but she was supported by our doctors and medical staff, as well as his fellow Flu Campers. Simon spent five days at FluCamp undertaking tests and getting his vitals checked as part of our trials. He talks about her time with us, how he felt during the clinical trials, as well as the fun he had with other volunteers!

If you are interested in becoming a FluCamp Volunteer and joining our Everyday Heroes, or want to find out more about how FluCamp works then visit our main page or our trials page. You can also read more testimonials from other Happy Campers – or simply sign up today!