Would I be suitable for an asthmatic study? - FluCamp

This would depend on the result of your blood result at first screening. To register to take part currently you must be asthmatic and a regular user of your inhaler(s), aged 18-65, with a BMI between 18.5-34 and have no other underlying conditions. We would also need to know when you were diagnosed with asthma and who diagnosed you.
For further info please call us on 0207 756 1414, email us at info@flucamp.com or register your details on the website and we can call you back.


Apply now and get up to £4,400 in compensation

An average clinical trial length is 11 – 14 days. To apply for FluCamp please complete our online form. We'll call you back within 24 hours to explain the next steps so you can decide if it's for you.
